New York church service

—Photo: David Mark via Pixabay

The SCOTUS decision in Employment Division v Smith, 494 US 872 (1990) states, essentially, that if the state can prove it has a legitimate public interest, like stopping the spread of a deadly disease, it may enforce laws that curtail religious practices. The state may not pass and enforce laws that are intended solely to infringe upon religious liberty but if religious practices are affected as a bi-product of enforcement it does not violate the Free Exercise Clause. I read this to mean a ban on religious assembly is warranted. Voluntary cooperation would seem to me to be the Christian thing to do until this crisis passes.

Only a christianist (false believer) would put others at risk by assuming they can exercise the right to violate the ban of large assembly and put others at risk. There has already been a situation, in Oregon I believe, where 45 of 50 choir members infected each other singing in a choir. Singing standing in close proximity obviously causes you to share air sung out at greater velocity. Those choir members went out in the community before they developed symptoms and potentially infected other people.

Perhaps a large church can spread people out even beyond social distancing levels. But did they? And why take the risk?

God is everywhere. Jesus was clear, "Where two or more gather in my name break bread (communion)". Jesus does not say only a priest/minister can administer communion and bless the host and wine. That is a decree invented by human leaders of churches. Ignore it.

Stay home from church until it is clearer that the high risk of virus transmission has abated. A REAL Christian would intuitively and empathically understand the meaning of "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself" also includes the stranger you pass in the grocery store. A true Christian would not intentionally put someone they love at risk. Declaring God will protect you is also tempting God, another biblical admonishment.

Stay home and pray for your family, your church, your neighbors, your community, your government, and the world.



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